Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We got the house!!!

Sorry I have been SOOO BUSY! I have not had a chance to blog in a few weeks. Every spare minute I had I spent sleeping I think! lol I told one of my girlfriends it's like I have had 3 jobs these past few weeks, being a stellar mommy, my regular 40 hour a week job and the new hat...... first time home buyer! Now don't get me wrong, we are very fortunate to be able to be buying a home and I am incredibly grateful for that. But man is it a pain in the butt! We just got word last night that our final contract, after inspection was accepted! We close on Thursday December 2nd!!!! And we get a brand new furnace to go along with our beautiful new(well new to us) home :) I am one lucky lady! So if I am sparse in the next few weeks it is because I have taken on the roll of home mover :) I hope all is well in your life! God bless :)

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