Friday, July 16, 2010

The perfect lunch date!

Yesterday was just an ordinary day at work... literally nothing exciting. Kandi - my fav work friend, was getting ready to head out to lunch, literally she was putting her fancy shoes on to put her in the mood :) When she got the news her friend had canceled. SO spur of the moment we decided to do lunch.... and let me tell you this was the best lunch I have had in awhile! Kandi went to the market (it was actually just a grocery store, but it sounds so much better when I say the market!) and picked up a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, some blue cheese and a baguette. We threw some berries together at the office and headed to liberty memorial with one of our favorite boys Danny! It was literally the pick me up we all needed that day I do believe.

I am learning, slowly but surely, to appreciate the small things in life.... the moments we can get away and enjoy the company of good friends, chatter of light conversation and simple taste of wine with bread. These are the diamonds in the rough that we all need to learn to spot out when we get the chance.

Join me for lunch?

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