Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Open window

The service for my Grandfather was beautiful. It was exactly the way he would have wanted it. My granny was so stunned by all the extended family and friends that showed up. I believe it truly touched her heart. There were even some old teacher friends that came and told us stories of his dry sense of humor, it totally was :) I reflected on one of the stories last night and it brought back memories of his deep heart felt chuckle. He would really crack himself up. So thank you to all of you that kept us in your thoughts and prayers. Speaking of thoughts and prayers, I am amazed at the way that God opens a window when one door closes. I posted a status on facebook asking all friends if they had a good daycare recommendation. About 10 minutes after my post I received a message from an old friend that I went to grade school and high school with. Turns out her twin girls were about to turn 6 months and she was getting ready to open an in home daycare! We went and visited her today and both PJ and I are so excited about sending our little man Brody to her. I mean it truly blows my mind how when you put you faith in God, he does have a plan. Yes I will still pray that this is the right move and that he watch over my little man. But my heart is a little at ease knowing he will be in good hands with a gal I have known for years. We are going do to a few half days next week to kind of transition him in. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition. Thank you friends. I know the power of friendship and prayer are powerful!

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