Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where I turn....

When anything in my life is thrown off, takes a turn in the road, I 9 times out of 10 will turn to food. Not just eating it, but preparing it, shopping for it, reading about it, and sometimes downright ignoring it. I know this sounds weird.... but this is probably for 2 reasons, 1. Its something I know I am in control of, 2. Food brings me comfort in joy. I find solace in a trip to the grocery store. Savoring the peace and quiet as I walk up and down the aisle. People watching, watching other mothers with their small children. It brings me a sense of peace. So it was my lucky day yesterday when I was offered a dozen red peppers, 5 head of broccoli, a bag of onions, and 4 over ripe bananas. (All leftover from a party at my work) So after work yesterday I went home and played with my little boy, we took a walk because the weather was gorgeous. We came home and got the grill out and played in the backyard while Peej grilled some burgers. Had a beer and just soaked in the sun. After Brody went to bed. I got out the cutting board and began to chop away. I sliced the red peppers into strips for stir fry (and any other recipe I find in the meantime.) They went into the Ziploc and straight into the freezer. Broccoli was next and the florets got cut down and then Ziploced and frozen. Brods LOVES steamed broccoli so it is nice to always have that on hand as an option. And last but not least was the banana bread to be made, one loaf with nuts and one without. I pulled those out of the oven, changed into my jammies and crawled into bed next to my snoring fiance. The comfort of food, home and family, that centers me. My grandfather passed away around 10:30 last night. Please keep my mother and her family in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you.

    And I am glad I'm not the only one who finds chopping veggies and baking soothing. It always makes me feel like I'm in Chocolat, stirring almost absentmindedly.
